Boundary Waters

August 2023

Boundary Waters: Paddling, Wildlife, and Lost Paddles

One trip we’d been talking about forever was a canoe trip in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota. Well, in August 2023, we finally made it happen! Our 6-day adventure started near Ely at Riverpoint Outfitters. They hooked us up with everything—canoes, gear, food—and when I say food, I mean we were eating like kings. Steaks and bacon were on the menu, and we even planned a fish fry night. Only catch? We had to catch the fish ourselves. No fish, no dinner. But Derek, being a native Canadian, assured us it was no big deal—he was confident he’d haul in enough pike and walleye to feed all five of us. No pressure, right?

This 50-mile paddle was shaping up to be quite the adventure. And of course, things got interesting right away. Not long after we shoved off, in the middle of Lake Disappointment, Steve—being Steve—lost his paddle. I mean, one minute he’s paddling, the next it’s sinking to the bottom of the lake. Steve and Bryan made a valiant effort to save it, but no dice. Luckily, the middle guy in our 3-person canoe generously lent us his paddle for the rest of the trip. So yeah, every day, someone got a free ride through the Boundary Waters!

The place was wild and remote, exactly what we were hoping for. We saw all sorts of wildlife—beavers, eagles, loons, and plenty of fish. It was the kind of trip that’s full of challenges and laughs, but mostly just good fun.

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